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3)  Draw in Mosquitoes!  Oh No!


4)  It could damage your most valuable possession.... your home.  Excessive moisture under your home may damage subfloors and could also weaken the foundation.

Click the Contact button above and Text or Email us with your name, address, and even pictures of your drainage problem and we'll have a solution for you as soon as possible.

Protect your home and your outdoors!


Standing water in your lawn does more than prevent you from having an enjoyable time outside or delays you from mowing the lawn.

Standing water can:

1)  Kill your lawn by creating an environment that encourages root and crown rot of your turf.

2)  Invites certain hard to kill weeds to set up and thrive in these low spots such as Nutsedge and Virginia Buttonweed.

Full-Service Landscaping Services servicing Northwest, Tennessee

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