More Leisure, More Blooms, Longer Backyard Parties
It's that time of year again. The grass is green, temperatures are rising, flowers are blooming and we're preparing to spend time outside more now than ever. We're firing up our grills and smokers more often than we did just a couple months ago. Were opening our pools and now we are gearing up to live life at its fullest. Perhaps there are some things that can be done to make our back lawns, our sanctuaries a little more enjoyable. Look at your backyard. What do you see? Do you see an inviting place where you would love to have your friends and family gather around? Or is it more of a blank slate and perhaps you would rather go somewhere else instead? Perhaps it’s the former and there are some trouble spots. Are weeds out of control causing rushed panic to mow them down? Perhaps there are pests around and you and your guests are on the menu! Maybe there are shrubs that grow too fast and require too much trimming maintenance. Well I want to talk about what we can do to make your backyard the place you're proud to have your friends and family to visit and enjoy your outdoors. Weeds… Each spring, Summer, and Fall without fail they come up, they out grow our lawns and they require our attention far too soon and we have to mow them down before the lawn grass even has a chance to grow. In June and July, they out compete our weakened lawn and after mowing, it looks like a hay field has been cut. These statements are true unless we’ve made proper treatments to the lawn to: 1) Kill existing weeds AND apply a preventive product to prevent the weed from emerging. 2) Feed the lawn in it’s proper season. Ya can’t go putting out any ‘ol fertilizer just willy nilly ya know? Since weeds germinate all times of the year, in order to have good control over all the various weeds in the lawn, it is usually recommended to treat the lawn four times per year. It can be treated more or less often based on your requirements for the lawn. The lawn grass helps with controlling the weeds too, so it is recommended to feed it a couple times per year. As the lawn thickens, not only does it make the lawn look better, but it also creates a canopy. This canopy shades the soil and prevents light from penetrating the soil where weeds lie. It also keeps our weed prevention products from breaking down prematurely. Grandmaw was right. An ounce of prevention IS worth a pound of cure. Beautiful environment Another thing that will help improve it looks of our backyard retreat and make it more inviting for guests and ourselves is to plant slow growing shrubs and perennials that bloom throughout the year. If we have shrubs that are in constant need of a trim, it could be a relief to know that many varieties of today's plants are bred to grow more slowly. With the help of an experienced designer, a design can be created that take into account important things like sunlight vs shade, drainage, evergreen vs perennial, fast growing vs slow, and blooming seasons for various woody and herbaceous plants. It’s an investment that can be made to save you time from working in the lawn and it’s an investment in your home that you can expect a return on. Enjoy being outside longer You spend a lot of time outside. You play with the kids. You swim. Cook up a little dinner on the grill. Relax a bit on the hammock. Soon enough you’ll swat at a pest or 2, but after a while you realize you’re on the menu for a swarm of mosquitoes! So you run inside and solemnly vow to rid yourselves of those mosquitos once and for all! So you search google for remedies and give them a try. They don’t seem to hardly do the job we want. I use a product on my own home that is safe for pets and children, but mosquito populations plummet within 48 hours when they come in contact. I treat where mosquitos like to hang out during the day once per month. Since I began using this product, mosquitos haven’t ended an outdoor gathering early. You work hard and don’t have time for trial and error. My team and I will be glad to help you make your back yard gatherings more beautiful, easier to maintain, and help keep the outside party going longer.